Acrylates in the Environment

Acrylic acid and the acrylic ester monomers are chemicals which evaporate easily and are unlikely to persist in the environment. They biodegrade rapidly in the environment. They are not expected to bind to soil or sediment. If released to air, they will undergo degradation within days. They are not expected to accumulate in the food chain, i.e., the bioconcentration potential is low.

Crashing ocean wave near rocky shoreline

For more information about the environmental fate and effects of these substances, refer to the Global Product Summaries on each substance page.

Acrylic acid and the acrylic ester monomers are chemicals which evaporate easily and are unlikely to persist in the environment.  They are not expected to bind to soil or sediment.  If released to air, they will undergo degradation within days.  They are not expected to accumulate in the food chain, i.e., the bioconcentration potential is low. They biodegrade rapidly in the environment.